The Mountaineer Beekeepers Association is proud to welcome you to Honey in the Hills-a celebration of beekeeping in West Virginia and the Appalachian region!

The conference will include two full days full of multiple keynote speakers, meet and greet opportunities with national beekeeping personalities, panel discussions highlighting the unique stories and challenges of beekeeping in West Virginia and Appalachia, breakout sessions intended for multiple interests and experience levels, programming and activities specifically designed for children and youth beekeeping, and a wide variety of contests, games, and prize giveaways. Honey in the Hills will also include a special Beekeeping After Dark social event on Friday night. Registration for the conference opens on December 1, 2022, and we are anticipating 300-350 beekeepers from across West Virginia and neighboring states to be there, nearly double the average attendance for a WVBA conference.

However, for a beekeeping conference to be successful you must also have an amazing selection of vendors as well. One of our top priorities with Honey in the Hills is to provide a world-class experience for our vendors. We have spoken with many prospective vendors, listened to your feedback on your experiences from past WVBA conferences, and we are excited to offer several new and exciting perks and benefits for our attending vendors (benefits will vary by vendor level):

  • Exclusive VIP lounge where speakers, presenters, and vendors can take a break during the conference and have a snack, eat lunch, catch up on messages, or just hang out for a bit.

  • Dedicated volunteers to assist you with unloading/loading both before and after the conference.

  • Option to reserve time slots for unloading/loading, including the day before the conference.

  • Opportunity to choose your booth location at the conference.

  • Assigned personal contacts to assist you with any issues during the conference.

  • Attend the Beekeeping After Dark social event on Friday night.

  • Prominent recognition of your company’s vendor level.

  • A variety of advertising packages and options, including vendor spotlights during the conference and even the opportunity to host your own breakout session!

We are proud to offer six different vendor levels, each designed to fit the different budgetary, space, and advertising needs of our various vendors. Please download the Vendor registration below for more information and return to us via email at If you have any additional questions concerning the 2023 WVBA Spring Conference, please contact Bethany Glaspell at (304) 203-8588 or e-mail us at